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Click the book to sign up for J. Aaron Gruben’s email list for a free download of part of the chivalry study! “The ideals of Chivalry are truly timeless…”

Click the dog skeleton to download several free coloring pages of a canine anatomy coloring page from a creation science perspective! The entire book plus a feline anatomy version is available on our store.
A free novella by Catherine Gruben Smith! Click to enjoy the enjoy it in PDF .
It is 1905 and the Boston Police receive a challenge; the Ermine, con man extraordinaire, is in town and set to take the Princess Patricia of Connaught’s jewels. Will Sergeant Paul Roger be able to outfox the Ermine, or will it end in another triumph for the old thief?
Click the knight to get a free download on the whys and hows of teaching the Ten Commandments of Chivalry to your homeschool student.
Click to download the first chapter of Fuzzy Logic for free!
Download the first two chapters of the elementary chivalry study for free!